Professional Representation

Is your business based outside of the UK, or may not have your own Quality team, and looking for support? If yes, then we can help!

Is your business based outside of the UK? Does your company not have its own in-house Quality team? If so, PDQA is able to provide you specialist support!

We can offer you:

UK representation

  • PDQA is able to meet with your customers, suppliers, factories and / or test houses on your behalf.
  • Provide experienced technical support when discussing orders, product quality or safety issues with your customers, suppliers, factories, and / or government bodies (e.g. Trading Standards) .

International Representation

PDQA is able to provide support with International Representation, either accompanied by a member of your business or unaccompanied, to:

  • Attend Trade Fairs to evaluate new suppliers / factories.
  • Visit your buying offices, warehouses or stores.
  • Visit your suppliers’ offices or factories.
  • Visit 3rd party independent test house laboratories.


Reach out to us . . .

Find out more about how PDQA Ltd may be able to support your business, please feel free to contact us:
